Welcome to our Infant class.

Meet the team

Miss Pickering

Miss Pickering

Infant Teacher

In the Infant class, we have Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. We work on a two year rolling curriculum for Year 1 and Year 2 and have a separate curriculum for Reception 

Our PE day is Monday and Wednesday.

Phonics and Reading

In Infants, we follow the Pearson Bug Club phonics and reading scheme. They begin with wordless books before we begin Phase 2, which introduces the different phonemes.

In Year 1, we continue with the Bug Club phonics scheme, working through Phase 5 and Phase 6 phonemes looking at alternate pronunciation and spelling of words.

In Year 2, we revisit Phase 5 and 6 to further consolidate our phonetic knowledge.

Children will be allocated a book to read at home based on their phonics knowledge and will progress through the levels as their knowledge increases.

Spring Term 1

This term we will diving into amazing adventures which will take us Bb on a journey through map making and exploring the surrounding area around Newchurch. We’ll get to know fascinating book characters and follow their journeys. Alongside this we will delve into the natural world and how it looks different in the Winter through hands on investigations, experiences and observations, sparking our creativity and curiosity.

week beginnings 13th January

Well after a week of snow and ice last week the children have been having a very busy week. The children have really been extraordinary detectives, investigating the crime scene in our library to discover the mischievous story character that had stolen food from the school kitchen! They discovered the culprit was the Highway Rat and have been making wanted posters to ensure that he is caught! We have also been looking at different objects around the class and finding out what they are made from and thinking about our big question:

Do we live in a material world?