Welcome to our Infant class.

Meet the team



     Mrs Loach               Miss Pickering

(Infant Teacher)           (HLTA)

In the Infant class, we have Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. We work on a two year rolling curriculum for Year 1 and Year 2 and have a separate curriculum for Reception.

Our PE day is Monday.

Phonics and Reading

In Infants, we follow the Pearson Bug Club phonics and reading scheme. Children begin in Reception with Phase 1 phonics and will move through the phases up to Phase 4 during the course of the year. They begin with wordless books before we begin Phase 2, which introduces the different phonemes.

In Year 1, we continue with the Bug Club phonics scheme, working through Phase 5 and Phase 6 phonemes looking at alternate pronunciation and spelling of words.

In Year 2, we revisit Phase 5 and 6 to further consolidate our phonetic knowledge.

Children will be allocated a book to read at home based on their phonics knowledge and will progress through the levels as their knowledge increases.

Spellings Homework

Infant Spellings

Updated: 19/01/2024 8 KB

Summer 2

Week beginning 15th July.

As we quickly approach the summer holidays, we have still had a full week in the infants.  We have studied Mary Seacole, compared her with Florence Nightingale and carefully painted her portrait. We have designed, made and evaluated our own pizzas - yummy!  We have led an assembly for the juniors on the theme of Hope and learnt the parable of the mustard seed. We have looked at aboriginal art and printed patterns on boomerangs and squeezed in English and maths too!  We have particularly enjoyed the maths games on Active Learn and making our own non-fiction book on our favourite things