Friends of Newchurch

Friends of Newchurch School is a group of parents dedicated to raising funds for St Mary’s CE Primary Academy.

We organise various fundraisers and events to help supply valuable resources for the school and pupils that may not otherwise be available. Over the last few years we have been able to supply Chromebooks for each child, new football kit, books and outdoor equipment to name a few things. We also like to have a bit of fun with the children by celebrating their hard-work and general awesomeness throughout the year, with free ice cream, competitions and prizes, coach trips and leavers gifts.

Committee members include Laura Standring as chair, Pia Lyle as treasurer and Hailey Hermansen as secretary. We meet a handful of times a year to plan events and discuss the teachers ‘wish lists’ and what the funds are to be used for. These are usually held after school in the hall (with biscuits!) and are open to all parents, grandparents &  guardians. We are a friendly bunch and always on the lookout for new members!

One of our main and most profitable fundraisers is the 100 Club. Members pay £3 a month for a number and cash prizes are drawn each month. This helps raise funds of approximately £2500 a year. We still have a few numbers available if you would like to be in it, and once we reach 100 the cash prizes will increase! Contact Pia Lyle for details.

We’ve also registered Friends of Newchurch with #easyfundraising, which means over 7,000 brands will now donate to us for FREE every time we use #easyfundraising to shop with them. These donations will help SO MUCH, so please sign up to support us – it’s completely FREE and doesn’t take long. We have raised £830 through this so far!

Please take a look at our newsletters from past years to see what we have raised and where your money has been spent. 

Visit our Facebook page for up to date information on our meetings and future fundraising events!

Thank you 

Hailey Hermansen 

FONS Fundraising photos 

FONS Newsletters

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