Newchurch St Marys Local Governing committee

Updated: 28/02/2025 652 KB
Updated: 22/03/2024 584 KB

The Governing Body

Mrs P Nightingale

Mrs P Nightingale

(Headteacher) Staff Governor

Peter Ashworth

Peter Ashworth


Mrs C Standring

Mrs C Standring

Foundation Governor (Chair)
Jan 2023- Jan 2027

Dr R White

Dr R White

Foundation Governor
31 Aug 2022- 31st August 2026

Mrs Fran Brown

Clark of Governors

Mrs Elaine Walsh

Mrs Elaine Walsh

Foundation Governor
March 2023- March 2027

Mrs Charlotte Stevenson

Mrs Charlotte Stevenson

Staff Governor
January 2023- January 2027

Mr Jon Loach

Mr Jon Loach

Parent Governor
Sept 2023- Sept 2027

Mr P Crewe

Mr P Crewe

Safeguarding Governor

Membership of Committees and areas of responsibility

Complaints/ Appeals Committee

3 untainted governors

Register Governors

No Interests Declared

Mrs  C Standring (Chair)

Mrs P Nightingale (Headteacher)

Scheme of Delegation and Terms of Reference

Updated: 21/01/2025 923 KB
Updated: 21/01/2025 531 KB
Updated: 23/01/2023 850 KB

Trust Governance Information

The following information can be found on our Trust’s website, here:

·        The structure and remit of the Members, Board of Trustees and Local Governing Committees, including the names of the Chair of each

·        Current Memorandum of Association

·        Articles of Association

·        Funding Agreement

·        Annual Audited Accounts

·        Annual Report (within annual accounts)

·        Register of Interests for the Accounting Officer

·        Number of employees whose benefits exceed £100K (within annual accounts)

·        Details of the amount of time off taken by staff who are Union officials (within annual accounts)

·        Gender Pay Gap information