Welcome to our Junior class.

Meet the team.



Mrs Stevenson         Mrs Taylor               Mrs Brice

(Teacher)                  (HLTA)                     (TA)


In the Junior class, we have Year 3, Year 4,  Year 5 and  Year 6. We work on a four year rolling curriculum.


Our PE day is Monday and Music is on Thursday. Children will need to bring in their instruments on Thursday. Children should also take their reading books home and record what they read each night. They will be given weekly spellings to learn for our spelling test on Friday. 

Summer 2.

Week beginning 8th July.

The sun was shining for us on Monday and Coach Andy organised a fantastic Sports Day on the field. The children took part in many different races including the sprint, obstacle course and sack race. We have been Activists for Climate Change this week. The children have produced some amazing posters to bring attention to their cause using collage, printing and stencilling. We finished our unit of RE about women from the Old Testament and the children designed some 'superhero' capes for what the women might wear to show their amazing qualities. We have also started our new unit of RE, the children are creating presentations about famous people and charities who are activists for change. 



Week beginning 1st July.

We have had such a great week even though it has been assessment week. The children worked extremely hard to complete their assessments by Wednesday in time for our end-of-year outdoor adventure day on Thursday. They were great at putting their mapping skills into practice for orienteering. The children had to navigate their way using a map and a compass to find the hidden Pokemon in the woods. They also used a different map to lead us to a different site where we solved some puzzles and the children completed the Night Line. In the afternoon, there was time for shelter building. They did an amazing job! 



Week beginning 24th June.

What a glorious start to the week we had. We got out of the stuffy classroom as much as possible for our learning this week. On Monday, we took our English lesson outside. The children were creating story maps of sections from 'The Enchanted Wood'. We have been investigating the movements of the Earth and sun in science. The children planned an experiment to track how shadows move or change throughout the day. We had some amazing questions linked to this learning. Later in the week, the Year 5s and 6s had a discussion with the local PCSO about what to be aware of while out and about over the summer holidays. 


Week beginning 17th June.

Howstean Gorge - Year 5 and 6 residential trip. 

The Year 5s and 6s had a blast on their residential trip to Howstean Gorge. They loved their lodges and we had amazing weather! Activities we participated in included abseiling, gorge walking, via feratta, caving and bushcraft. Everyone had a go at everything and the instructors noted how encouraging they were of each other. They definitely made the staff proud and represented our school to a very high standard. They made memories for life. 



Week beginning 10th June.

We have had a busy first week back after the holidays. It has been lovely catching up with everyone. Our new units of learning for this half term have proven to be exciting so far. We have started reading the Enchanted Wood in English. A much-loved classic that has captured the children's imagination and inspired their writing. They have written some magical descriptions of what the wood might be like. The children have been developing their skills when using spreadsheets on Purple Mash during our computing lessons. They have been using tools to hide items on a treasure map to create quizzes for each other. This half term, we have a dance coach in school! The juniors loved showing their graceful movements (and some not so graceful!) and have started learning a routine together. 




Summer 1.

Week beginning 20th May.

This week has been all about sewing! The children have worked so hard to bring their Roman purse designs to life. They have shown patience, perseverance and kindness to support themselves and each other and they are so proud of themselves. As they should be! I am certainly very proud of them. They also evaluated their products and reflected on the process.



Week beginning 13th May. 

The Year 6's had their SATs test this week - they did their best and we are all so proud of them! We have started designing Roman purses in DT this week. The children will be using sewing skills to stitch and make them. You can see their designs - we think they're going to look great! Maths has been a fiddly affair while trying to put some nets of 3D shapes together to identify their properties. 



Week beginning 6th May. 

We had a wonderful surprise from Penny Squirrel this week. She came from Pendleside Hospice to reveal how much the children raised on their bunny hop. Well done everyone! 




Week beginning 29th April. 

This week has been a busy one! We have been getting our heads in a spin and learning about how we get day and night. The children had to spin like the Earth on its axis and shout when they could see the sun (a lamp!). It was great fun but also helped us to understand some really tricky learning. We then made some models of how the Earth orbits the sun back in the classroom. Later in the week, we went outside to start practising our cricket skills for the summer. We also spent time looking at a range of different OS maps and trying to read four-figure grid-references to help us solve problems. 



Week beginning 22nd April. 

We have finally had some sunshine at the later end of this week which has been lovely. The children have been continuing their space learning in science. Our focus this week was the planets so they had fun creating their own mnemonics to learn the names and order of the planets from the sun. They went on a fact hunt around the classroom before collating their information and creating their own fact files. We had a teacher from Coram in school on Thursday to deliver PSHE to the children in Year 4-6 all about puberty and changing bodies. They had lots of good questions to ask! Monday was Earth day. The children used recyclable materials such as newspaper, paper and card to create collages to encourage people to save the planet. They look wonderful! 



Week beginning 15th April. 

What a wonderful but very busy first week back at school we have had after the Easter holidays! The children have been advocates for change as part of our work ahead of Earth day. They have created posters that explain the causes and effects of climate change but then also given recommendations for how to live 'smarter'. Our football players went to take part in an after school football tournament in our brand new kits. They look very smart! We have been outside (when the weather has permitted) and started our learning about the sun, moon and Earth and where they are in relation to one another for science. On Wednesday, we had Simon from the Lancashire Mental Health team in school to talk to the children about the pros and cons of social media. They had some great discussions. 



Spring 2. 

Week beginning 18th March. 

It has been assessment week in school this week. The children have worked extremely hard to show how much they have learned this term. Amidst this though, there has still been time for plenty of fun! Rehearsals for the Passion Play took place at St. Thomas' church this week - all three schools involved came together to practise their parts as a whole. More experiments were taking place to investigate pitch with string instruments that we made out of tissue boxes and elastic bands. The brighter weather has meant that the children are making more use of the outdoors too which has been lovely! 



Week beginning 11th March.

The children have enjoyed reading more of the Iron Man this week. As part of our writing, they have been using the same techniques as the author, Ted Hughes, to create an air of mystery about their own characters. We have started to investigate volume which has been a wonderful opportunity to cross music with science- a perfect chance to practise our instruments! 

Commando Joe set a new challenge for the children as well which was a great success. There was evidence of super team work, support and empathy for each other being shown which helped them to complete their mission. 




Week beginning 4th March.

We have had such an exciting week in school this week. We have started two new units of learning. Our English unit started with the children having to invent a 'metal creation' that would mysteriously appear in an unusual place. They came up with submarines, time-travelling hats and futuristic robots. We have now started to read our class novel - 'The Iron Man'. The children listened to the description of the main character and had to draw what they visualised in their heads. Sound is our new unit in science. The children have been exploring how sound is made and investigating a range of instruments as part of their learning. 

In RE, the children were given different passages from the Bible about who Jesus was. The children then sourced their own pictures to use in a collage - they look amazing! Father Paul came to see us and delivered a Collective Worship which the children loved getting involved with. 



Week beginning 26th February. 

Most mornings this week have been devoted to practising the children's Collective Worship that they delivered to the infants. Their message was a positive one all about how it is OK to be different, otherwise the world would be a boring place! Father Paul has also been back into school for more rehearsals of the Passion Play. It is looking brilliant. 



Week beginning 19th February.

We have had a very busy start to the new half term in the Juniors. Years 5 and 6 have been learning how to ride their bikes safely on the roads with the Go Velo instructors. Although it was very wet the second day, the children all showed great resilience. We have finished our science learning about electricity and the Year 3 and 4 children enjoyed making their own switches. Commando Joe had a fabulous mission for the children this week. They were evading capture from the Romans - some of them sadly didn't make it! Eek! The children have also had fun performing some poetry from a firm favourite - Michael Rosen. 



Spring 1.

Week beginning 5th February.

We have had an exciting last week to the half term. Years 5 and 6 had a visit from the Fire Service all about Road Safety. Our Science unit of learning has been all about Electricity - the Juniors have enjoyed using all of the equipment to test their predictions. 

Week beginning 29th January. 

The children have really impressed everyone with their watercolour landscape artwork this week. We have used the Lindisfarne Priory Ruins as our inspiration after learning about the Viking invasion in history this half term. Commando Joe's have also been back in school. Their missions was to travel overseas on a Viking longboat in preparation for raiding a village. They had so much fun! 


Week beginning 22nd January. 

Lots of exciting things have been happening both in and out of the classroom this week! Some of our children went to compete in a Pokemon football competition in Fleetwood. Year 3 have been playing multiplication games in maths to help them to learn their times tables. Father Paul came in to start our rehearsals for a very exciting Easter production that we will be involved in. We have also been creating our own Stone Age characters based on 'Stig' from 'Stig of the Dump'. They will feature in our own stories that we are writing next week. 


Week beginning 15th January. 

What a snowy week we have had! Here are some wonderful pictures of our children enjoying the snow. We have also been making the most of our new reading area. It is super cosy! 


Week beginning 8th January.

We have had a brilliant start to the spring term! On Monday, we learned all about the Christian festival of Epiphany. We have started our new English read - Stig of the Dump. The children were given special 'presents' in order to guess the setting of the book. They then created used 'freeze frames' to show a scene from the first chapter. In French, we have been learning how to say different emotions - can you guess which ones?