Welcome to our Junior class.

Meet the team.



Mrs Stevenson         Mrs Taylor               Mrs Brice

(Teacher)                  (HLTA)                     (TA)


In the Junior class, we have Year 3, Year 4,  Year 5 and  Year 6. We work on a four year rolling curriculum.


Our PE days are Monday and Thursday. Music is also on Thursday. Children will need to bring in their instruments. Children should also take their reading books home and record what they read each night. They will be given weekly spellings to learn for our spelling test on Friday. 

2024 - 2025

Spring 1.

Week beginning 13th January.

It was so lovely to get back to a full and busy week in school after the disruption of the snow. We have started reading Macbeth in English. The children re-enacted the scene where the witches cook up a spell before they meet Macbeth. We have also started gymnastics in PE and the children were creating balances. 



Week beginning 6th January. 

A very cold start to the new year. We enjoyed the snow while we had it though! 



Autumn 2.

Week beginning 16th December. 

The final week of the term has brought plenty of fun and festive activities! The children have designed and created their Christmas scenes in design technology. Everyone was successful in making their LED light up! We also invited parents and guardians into school on Tuesday to help us make our Christmas cards. They all looked great. The rest of the week has been spent looking ahead to the Christmas holidays and the start of a new year. Well done everyone! Let's hope 2025 brings us lots of happiness and success. 



Week beginning 9th December. 

This week has been all about persuasion. Following the persuasive posters to encourage people to stop polluting rivers, the children wrote a letter to the council to persuade them to be more mindful when building new developments near to rivers. They then wrote a letter by themselves to encourage healthy eating as part of our school council's mission to persuade parents to pack healthier lunches. We are all very much looking forward to the Christmas rush and fun next week! 

Week beginning 2nd December. 

It has been assessment week this week. The children have worked so hard to complete them so now Christmas has arrived in the Junior classroom! They have been creating kindness stockings for our Christmas display. Our geography topic of rivers continues and the children are creating persuasive posters to stop pollution. We have been choreographing superhero dance routines in PE- they came up with some amazing moves! After school, some Year 5 and 6 children represented St. Mary's at UV Benchball and they won! Super team work! We have also started reading 'how Winston went home for Christmas' which is like an advent calendar book that we read each day. They are enjoying the story. 



Week beginning 25th November. 

In the last week of November, we have started our geography topic about rivers! The children have been learning about the journey of a river and the different reasons why they are so important. We have started looking ahead to the Christmas period and in preparation, the Juniors led our Christingle service. Some of the grown ups came in to support the children in making their Christingles. Then we went into the hall to light them and the children sang hymns and said prayers to celebrate and welcome the start of advent. 


Week beginning 18th November. 

The children have had great fun writing their own fables this week. They chose their own animal characters to include and there were some great ideas for an original plot. We have concluded our science learning about living things in our local area this week. The children decided upon four different areas of the local environment to plant yoghurt pot traps to collect invertebrates and for us to sit and observe any other wildlife. We then created classification charts based on the data we collected. On Thursday, we joined Bishop Philip as he launched 'the year of prayer'. Our worships will follow the themes that have been set and it looks set to be interesting. 



Week beginning 11th November. 

We have had great fun in the Juniors this week. We have been writing a fable about a cheetah and a snail together in English. The children have also been using the Bible to read the story of the nativity and compare the different versions in the Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of Luke. The highlight of the week was our Outdoor Adventure Activity day. We had a beautiful day spent outside playing games, solving puzzles and following trails. In the morning we were treated to a hot vimto! In the afternoon, the children worked in teams in orienteering. Then they toasted marshmallows around a pit fire. What a super day! 



Week beginning 28th October and 4th November. 

We have such a busy start to the new half term - hence the double post! Our new units of learning are proving popular and the children are asking great questions, they are enthusiastic and producing some super work. We are reading fables in English in preparation for writing our own. They have been role playing some of the key events and performing these to each other.  Our science unit is focused on grouping living things. The children played 'guess who'- they had photos stuck to their back and asked questions to work out what living things they were. We had a craft morning with parents in school which the children loved. 

We have had some great success at after school sporting events! The UV Dodgeballers were great. Our football team was also amazing - they won 2 of their games. 10 children entered the Young Writers competition and they all received certificates to congratulate them on becoming published poets! 



Autumn 1.

Week beginning 10th October.

We have had a great last week of the first half term. The children created their Greek Theatre Masks from clay. They had fun guessing the expressions on each mask. We have been continuing to play invasion games in PE and the children had a game of Hi 5 Netball to finish the unit of learning. On Tuesday morning, we joined a Great Big Live Assembly to celebrate black heroes as part of Black History Month. Our RE learning about harvest around the world produced an amazing display. The children have now started learning about David who was chosen to be a king by God. Everyone is definitely ready for a well-deserved rest now! 



Week beginning 7th October.

We have had plenty of visitors to St. Mary’s this week. Imran came to teach us about the 5 pillars of Islam and about the festival of Eid. The children tried on traditional dress for Muslims and got a chance to try dates, which are the food that Muslims break their fast with. Roughlee Primary and their staff also came to join us and we had a go at recreating some Islamic Art.  In the afternoon, we all went to church for our Harvest service which was wonderful. 



Week beginning 30th September

Our learning has taken us to Ancient Greece this week! The children have loved being historians learning about the different time periods. They had to place key events in order. They wrote letters about what they found when visiting the city-states of Athens and Sparta. They learned that citizens of Athens loved to watch plays and have designed some comedy and tragedy masks to sculpt from clay next week. We can’t wait to show you!