Welcome to our Junior class.

Meet the team.



Mrs Stevenson         Mrs Taylor               Mrs Brice

(Teacher)                  (HLTA)                     (TA)


In the Junior class, we have Year 3, Year 4,  Year 5 and  Year 6. We work on a four year rolling curriculum.


Our PE days are Monday and Thursday. Music is also on Thursday. Children will need to bring in their instruments. Children should also take their reading books home and record what they read each night. They will be given weekly spellings to learn for our spelling test on Friday. 

2024 - 2025

Autumn 1


Week beginning 10th October.

We have had a great last week of the first half term. The children created their Greek Theatre Masks from clay. They had fun guessing the expressions on each mask. We have been continuing to play invasion games in PE and the children had a game of Hi 5 Netball to finish the unit of learning. On Tuesday morning, we joined a Great Big Live Assembly to celebrate black heroes as part of Black History Month. Our RE learning about harvest around the world produced an amazing display. The children have now started learning about David who was chosen to be a king by God. Everyone is definitely ready for a well-deserved rest now! 



Week beginning 7th October.

We have had plenty of visitors to St. Mary’s this week. Imran came to teach us about the 5 pillars of Islam and about the festival of Eid. The children tried on traditional dress for Muslims and got a chance to try dates, which are the food that Muslims break their fast with. Roughlee Primary and their staff also came to join us and we had a go at recreating some Islamic Art.  In the afternoon, we all went to church for our Harvest service which was wonderful. 



Week beginning 30th September

Our learning has taken us to Ancient Greece this week! The children have loved being historians learning about the different time periods. They had to place key events in order. They wrote letters about what they found when visiting the city-states of Athens and Sparta. They learned that citizens of Athens loved to watch plays and have designed some comedy and tragedy masks to sculpt from clay next week. We can’t wait to show you!